
Benjamin Cole Campbell spread his magical spirit among countless lives. He extended a caring touch far and wide and in his short time with us experienced both tragedy and triumph. Like a rainbow, even in dark times, he made lives brighter. He radiated beauty and kindness, gave others hope, and made the world a better place.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about Ben and what he had overcome to achieve his ultimate goal to become a lawyer and help people. Although his dream has been cut short, we will not let his legacy of helping and caring for others fade away.

Jim Campbell, Ben's Dad

To continue Ben's legacy of caring, determination, and loving spirit – the Ben Campbell Memorial Fund has been established at the Delaware Community Foundation. The goal is to grow this fund quickly to ensure it becomes an Endowed Fund that will help students, like Ben, achieve their goals – turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Once transitioned to an Endowed Fund, the Fund will award a scholarship annually to help students who share Ben's kindness, drive, and determination to achieve their dreams.

Ben's story

Italicized words are clips from Ben's law school application letter...

The callous childhood I endured made me resilient to adversity and the perfect advocate for those enduring a storm. My dream is to become an attorney who will help families like mine and to help heal my family from several decades of tragedy.

At a young age you are told that everything will be okay. All you ever needed to worry about was letting the world beneath you take control. In my world there were no worries. We would just play for countless hours until the sun started to disappear behind the horizon. Those were days we would run barefoot through the yard until our feet turned brown or played in puddles because it rained the day before. We didn't mind getting a little wet. There was no fear, no pain, and no worries because they simply did not seem to exist. The only fears or pain that did exist were the monsters in your closet or pain from falling down and scraping your knee. One day, my world stopped spinning and the false reality I was living in ceased to exist.

When Ben was in second grade, his mom, Carla, was diagnosed with Leukemia. His subsequent afternoons were spent at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center as his mom received chemotherapy. As years passed, the chemotherapy did not help. Carla's health was rapidly declining, and the family experienced challenges to keep things together. His dad ran his own business at the time, and the challenge of caring for four young children (ages 7, 5, 3, and 2) and the demands of running your own business were extremely hard.

The family fought through a turbulent time, searching for positive change. The days that followed were difficult and produced little hope.

The children were eventually enrolled at the Milton Hershey School in hope that Carla would win the fight against Leukemia; Ben's dad would be able to work and keep the family home, and the nightmare would end. Carla did not respond to the treaments and was later diagnosed with Graft vs Host disease from her stem cell treatment.  The disease eventually took its toll on her. Her insurance and health requirements no longer kept her in Christiana Hospital. She was moved to a nursing home in inner-city Baltimore. Her health proceeded to decline with every visit. She lost her vision and eventually her hearing, too, making it nearly impossible to communicate over the phone. The family now lost their ability to communicate daily with Carla. Life became extremely difficult for all involved.

One week prior to Ben's 8th grade graduation, Carla took her last breath. The family struggled with the devastating loss - now four children without a mom.

The three younger children were at Milton Hershey School. The whole family had a hard time finding how to carry on. Some siblings took gaps from their education. While at Milton Hershey, Ben played football and was an asset to the team. Football was his anchor - he found a way to release his anger and frustration, kept his grades, and stayed focused; however, home is where his heart needed to be. He wanted to be back home with his dad. His dad agreed to let him come home, and he enrolled in Newark High School. Not long after his arrival, he had made new friends and was voted junior captain of the football team. It was here he met his future fiancé, Shannon.

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"I just want to make my family proud," he said. "I want to make my mom proud. I pray every night that she looks down on me. I do my best in every game. I play for her."

"The feeling of helplessness of watching my siblings find the right path in their life's choices, pushed me in the direction of law school. I wanted to be an example for my siblings and be more than my circumstances.”

Ben was determined to continue his education after high school and played football at Wesley College. He worked really hard and graduated with honors. He was able to see his Dad and siblings and thought all the hard work would pay off. He worked hard every day...really hard. Quotes in this letter are from his application to Widener Law School. Telling his story he said, "Nothing in my life has been handed to me. I worked hard for every accolade. I expect to work hard to earn my law degree and when the academics get tough, I will never give up. When I earn my degree, I will use it to help as many families as possible.

Ben was accepted into Widener Law School and he worked hard every day. He earned good grades, helped other classmates stay focused and held study groups. He had a 'no one left behind' approach. If someone needed help, he was there with a high-five, a let's study together - 'can do' attitude!

Ben graduated from Widener Law School in May of 2021 with honors! He worked part time for Baird Mandalas Brockstedt and Federico LLC while he studied for the bar exam. Again, he rallied with friends and studied like it was a full-time job. His work ethic was an amazing example of grit and determination. He passed the Bar and was hired by Baird Mandalas Brockstedt and Federico LLC full time. He did it... he overcame his circumstances!

Ben was engaged to his high school sweetheart, Shannon, and was to be married on October 7, 2023. They attended Newark High School and Wesley together. They were champions with a pursuit of helping others, She become an RN at Christiana Hospital. His fairytale was coming true.

On July 29 tragedy struck. Eight weeks before he was to marry the love of his life, Ben was killed in an accident and taken from us. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. He was gone before we knew it and now we are left asking why.

Delaware Online Interview

Sept 18, 2014, Brad Myers, The News Journal

Delaware Online Interview

Aug 2, 2023, Hannah Edelman, Delaware News Journal